Jaipur, the ‘Pink City’ of India, has been ranked among the top five cities in the country for digital payments, according to Paytm's data for the year 2022. The city has emerged as a key player in driving digital payment trends, along with Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Pune. Paytm, which has over 7 crore monthly transacting users, recorded more than 130 crore digital payments made for mobile phone recharges, direct-to-home television, and utility payments.
Interestingly, Paytm's data reveals that Wednesdays are the busiest day for transactions and 7.23pm is the most common time for making payments. It is worth noting that smaller centers are driving the usage of digital payments, with two out of every three new Paytm users joining from smaller cities.
Among the geographies in India, Chennai and Trichy in Tamil Nadu have the highest percentage of offline payments made for food & beverages, while Amritsar has the highest spending on health and grooming through Paytm. Noida and Nagpur saw the highest spending through Paytm on micro sellers or street vendors.
As a city that is rapidly adopting digital payments, Jaipur's inclusion on this list highlights the growing trend of cashless transactions in India. With more and more people embracing digital payments, Jaipur is playing a significant role in shaping the future of finance in the country.
Paytm recorded some fascinating transaction patterns in the year, including some exceptional users who went to extreme lengths. One customer stands out for making the most widespread transactions in 106 cities across 20 states, while another booked a remarkable 358 flights between Mumbai and Delhi using Paytm. During Diwali, a user spent an astounding Rs 2.8 lakh in a single day.
Interestingly, among Paytm merchants, the most common transaction was a modest Rs 20. On the other hand, Paytm also witnessed a surge in Rs 1,001 transactions during Raksha Bandhan, as brothers used the platform to pay shagun to their sisters. It is clear that Paytm is not just facilitating financial transactions but also playing a role in cultural celebrations and traditions across the country.